

文字:[大][中][小] 手机页面二维码 2022-09-21     浏览次数:    






(三)加强督促协调。召开市委常委(扩大)5次会议,研究完善整改措施,听取整改改进情况和日常督导工作,解决重点、 “看”反馈问题整改改委,全面动员部署整改工作,建立周报工作制度,按照整改时限倒转时间节点,采取有力措施,大力推进整改落实,成立联合评审组,对本单位《整改工作方案》进行联合评审,提出意见和建议,要求各单位进一步修订完善整改方案。市纪委、市委组织部负责切实承担整改监督责任,定期开展监督检查,开展整改检查。那些不这样做的人将被追究责任。召开巡视“回头看”反馈问题整改推进会,听取各单位巡视整改工作进展情况汇报,逐一提出意见,完善下一步工作措施,确保整改扎实有效。

电竞菠菜外围app(四)推动定州高质量发展。坚持巡视整改工作贯彻落实省委“三六八九”工作思路,布局“两翼、 “两区三组六带”与定州发展 京津冀开放型现代节点城市建设与“三好”要求紧密结合,坚持“四个一体化”认真总结教训,完善制度,切实落实省委巡视组的意见和要求,在定州市改革发展稳定的具体实践中,把发展中遇到的矛盾和问题搞好不断巩固和扩大巡视整改成果,以巡视成果推动定州高质量发展d 整改。






一是建立全市现有房地产遗留项目详细工作台账,梳理清点应分户数、合格户数、已办理户数、原因对未办理户口登记的,一一明确责任归属,督促企业尽快通知业主办理,加快解决“取证难”问题。二是加大宣传引导,主动上门服务。充分利用政府网站、公示公告、微信公众号等平台,引导群众主动办证,提高业主政策知晓率和维权意识。市房地产交易中心坚持“证付分离”原则,采取现场办公、电话通知等方式,介绍办证所需材料和手续,提高办证率。同时,开辟“办证难”绿色通道,落实延期、超时手续,继续为群众提供优质高效的办证服务。截至目前,紫竹园已登记入户653户,占91.46%;凤翔园入户787户,占68.32%。三、市文物局、市行政审批局坚持每周召开联席会议,严格按照《关于切实解决历史遗留不动产登记有关问题的意见》的要求,形成合力,推动办理相关手续,加快化解“取证难”。 四是加强房地产领域监管,有效规范房地产市场秩序。市住房和城乡建设局等九部门联合印发《关于持续整顿规范房地产市场秩序专项行动方案》的通知。多个部门共同管理它们。新的违法违规行为得到有效遏制,群众投诉量明显下降。


(1)针对上次巡视反馈“垃圾围村”整改存在差距的问题。一是大力改善农村人居环境。继续推进农村人居环境改善五年行动 实现垃圾城乡一体化市场化运作,实现农村生活垃圾日产,日均750余吨生活垃圾输送到城市垃圾焚烧发电厂;采用“人员巡查+技术巡查”、“白天巡查+夜间巡查”相结合的方式,对城市闲置地块等重点区域装载建筑垃圾的运输车辆进行全时巡查。边缘、建筑工地、城市出入口 监测遏制了走私走私现象 二是加强城市精细化管理,开展专项行动完善APP城市环境卫生,提升清风街整体绿化景观。 《市场中心区农贸市场环境综合整治工作方案》,继续加大便民市场管理、农贸市场卫生、营业秩序等工作,对堆垛、摊位、占道等进行彻底清理。四是新农村建设全面加强。召开全市农村工作和美丽乡村建设会议,重点关注路区环境整治、厕所改造、污水处理、村容貌。以改善面貌、生活垃圾和建筑垃圾处理等为重点,全区推进美丽乡村建设。深化路区环境整治,植树94万棵;沙河、沙河、孟良河生态供水10.5亿立方米;优质改造农村厕所2.1万个,建成小花园、小菜园、小广场1448个,创建国家和省级森林村13个,美丽乡村18个,美丽花园1万多个。



(3)针对“上次巡查反映,‘部分项目尚未正式签约,政府提前征地,导致大片土地被废弃’”。 ,实行分类管理。一是切实加大领事、代理人的力量,让他们尽快完善各项手续,争取早日开工建设。二是不断优化营商环境,深入开展对企业服务活动,加大对企业支持力度,精准落实扶持奖励政策,进一步推广“投资定州,无忧无虑”的环保品牌。加快项目落地目前,长恒汽配已完成征地20.6亩,工业机器人已完成征地41.8亩,土地招拍挂正在办理上市手续。 5家企业收回8块国有建设用地197.9亩 剩余地块开工建设。确定了120个省市重点项目,一批好项目、大项目陆续开工。同时印发《关于进一步做好闲置土地处置工作的意见》,解决土地退出问题。着力做大做强产业集群,加快产业链投入,以土地资源有效利用推动高质量发展。



一是实施领导干部一揽子联盟。严格落实领导干部信访接待日制度,市领导积极落实转包责任,定期走访市群众工作中心,到转包乡镇监督信访稳定,有效推动信访事项的解决。二是加快反映相关社区办证难的进程。相关社区土地使用权问题正在按程序推进。目前,已获得市土地委员会批准。政府审批后签订合同。三是聘请专业的第三方机构对历史成因复杂、处置困难的项目进行评估。经司法、审计及相关部门充分论证,在实现“四个支持”的前提下,召开清扫工作领导小组会议。开展专项调研和集体决议省委关于巡视整改情况的通报 中国政府网省委关于巡视整改情况的通报 中国政府网,确保问题依法合规解决。



(4)针对“巡视整改工作研究不足”问题。一是召开市委常委和全市巡视,对反馈的问题和整改委员会进行审查多次召开巡视整改工作推进会和调度,会上听取巡视整改进展情况汇报,研究重点难点问题省委关于巡视整改情况的通报 中国政府网,大力推进整改落实。二是研究制定《省委巡视“回头看”反馈整改工作方案》,列出问题清单、任务清单、责任清单,一一明确责任单位、责任人、整改期限,并下发各乡镇(街道)、市有关部门,推动整改措施落实。成立企业领导小组及其办公室,负责组织协调监督检查整改工作。推动落实。同时,加强巡视整改办工作力量,工作人员从相关单位转岗,与原单位工作脱钩,集中办事,负责巡视整改的日常工作。 .

(5)针对“巡视整改专题民主生活会质量不高”问题。一是认真学习贯彻《党内政治生活若干指导意见》 《新形势下党内监督条例》、《中共中央关于党的百年奋斗重大成就和历史经验的决定》等,坚持高标准更严要求,组织召开高质量民主生活会学习教育党史检查“回头看”反馈反馈整改和要求联系个人的思想和工作实践,真正把自己、责任、工作放在里面,摆事实,举例子。落实民主生活会谈心谈心制度,确保谈话深入。开民主生活会,大家互相批评,开门见山,开门见山,狠心,开门见山,不废话不说。” “希望,建议”确保民主生活的辛辣、优质、有效。



(7)针对“推进政府债务化解力度不够”问题。一是督促政府专项债券资金支出进度省委关于巡视整改情况的通报 中国政府网,督促各部门全力做好政府防控工作系统和区域债务风险 努力确保不存在债务风险。二是强化风险意识和底线思维,严禁非法举债和新政府举债行为。 2021年非法举债融资。“回头看”后,未发现违规行为。举债融资。


(8)针对“阵地建设投入不足、建设落后”问题,加快实施“五亭一中心”工程,及时调整建设内容根据实际情况,依法取消中标,退出项目管理 目前,该项目建设内容已调整为河北(定州)第七届主展馆文体中心项目园博会,以地方专项债券的方式实施。园博会主展馆文体中心项目已获财政部、国家发改委批复。正在办理中,正在办理土地利用规划许可证和不动产登记证。




(10)针对“巡视整改日常监督弱化”问题。一是市纪委监委牵头召集省委巡视“回头看” ”反馈问题和整改推进会,督促各单位“一把手”和领导班子成员认真找班子、找好自己的职责,发挥领导干部的“头鹅效应”,带头落实三是综合运用听取汇报、召开座谈会等方式,重新压实整改责任省委关于巡视整改情况的通报 中国政府网,发现问题,督促解决。 、讲了解、查阅资料、实地检查,多维度、立体地对各承包单位进行检查整改。对落实情况开展专项监督检查,研究监督发现的问题并提出整改意见,督促各单位改正落实。四是督促各单位整改工作进展,会同市委整改办做好各单位整改工作。审核情况报告及相关资料,对整改工作进行综合评价。向市委整改办发出《关于建立检查整改评价机制的提醒函》,确保整改落实到位。五是市纪委监委向市委报告巡视整改工作日常督导情况。常委会作专题报告,提出意见建议,层层落实责任。

(11)针对“市纪委以案促改、以案促治、警示教育作用不到位”问题一、市纪委监委以案促改,做实做实 作为推进“三不”机制的重要载体,坚持统筹推进案件查办工作,以案促改,制定与严制度、严要求、严肃教育紧密结合的《从严惩戒以案促改》制度,真正用案促改以案促治,做到惩一戒邻,办一案整一区,查一事整治一区。以定州市党员干部违纪违法案件为素材,拍摄警示教育片《选择》,在市纪委网站举报7起典型违纪违法案例。三是全市各级党委(党组)定期召开专题警示教育、专题民主生活会等,通过公布被审查人的处罚决定、观看警示教育片、深入分析典型案例违纪违法,教育身边人。同时,积极开展廉政教育,教育引导党员干部做到尊重、守底线、转变作风,做到自尊自省、自我监管、自我激励.


一是围绕基层党建薄弱环节和重大难点问题,全面查处基层党组织薄弱松懈。全市共查明9个薄弱松懈的基层党组织。 “六位一体”治理整改机制集街道党(工)委书记一线指挥、班组干部全过程联系、第一书记一线整改于一体和驻村的一线工作组。整改期间,市领导到村调研50余次,选派第一书记9人,村干部18人,解决21个疑难问题。二是先后两次开展治理整改专项督查,推动解决16个问题。同时,将薄弱村、散村党组织专项整治纳入基层党建情况汇报考核和综合量化考核内容。三是印发《关于2021年薄弱村党组织集中整治工作检查验收的通知》。市委组织部派出3个工作组全程参与指导改造验收。截至2021年12月,9个弱散村党组织全部完成转制验收。整改期间,先后调整了2名党支部书记,化解了9个突出矛盾,规划了村级集体经济发展5条路径,解决了群众关心的37个热点难点问题。




(12)针对“经济质量差”问题。一是加强对经济运行的分析、监测和调度,确保经济运行保持在合理区间,确保全年任务目标全面完成,经济总量继续增长,2021年全市地区生产总值363.7亿元,增长6.5%。二是市委、市政府主要领导主持重点项目建设调度会 分包市领导带头深入宝联企业和重点项目 项目建设第一线 现场工作 解决问题 三是“企业快车”栏目开通“定州政务微网”微信公众号,发布惠企政策、工作流程、政策解读等文件,30多个工作流程dures,涉及 50 多件事情。四是围绕具有特色和潜力的特色产业,结合招商引资,实施重点产业集群“链长制”。印发《定州市重点产业链长制度》。 《工作方案》,连锁经营,沿链服务,强链补短,以链招商,打通产业上下游,打通链条前后端, comprehensively promoting the industry to become bigger and stronger, and allowing more products in Dingzhou to stand on the market" High-tech, high-tech, and key industries. In 2021, the growth rate of major economic indicators will be at the forefront of the province.

(13)In response to the problem of "low industrial level". First, deeply integrate into the coordinated development of Beijing-Tianjin-Hebei, strengthen cooperation with the Chinese Academy of Sciences, Beijing Institute of Science and Technology, China Sporting Goods Industry Federation and other well-known scientific research Schools and relocated enterprises are connected, and a group of influential high-tech enterprises and core technologies have been introduced to promote industrial transformation and upgrading. They have carried out docking exchanges on cooperation in education, medical care, new energy, and low-carbon industries. The second is to formulate the City Sporting Goods Industry Development Work Plan", focusing on Hengda, Wilt, Jintelis, Lisheng and other enterprises, focusing on cultivating a group of leading enterprises with strength and competitiveness, and accelerating the construction of sports towns. Increase the intensity of enterprise innovation, strengthen the cultivation of innovative entities, and issue the "Implementation Opinions on Strengthening Leading Enterprises, Cultivating Key Enterprises, and Expanding Key Industries", "Several Measures on Vigorously Promoting Scientific and Technological Innovation Work", and "Work Plan for Supporting Service Enterprises' Scientific and Technological Innovation" ( 2021-2025)", newly identified 12 "specialized, refined and new" small and medium-sized enterprises and 2 "specialized, refined and new" demonstration enterprises, promoted "individual enterprise transformation" and "small upgrade", and added 8 enterprises above designated size , cultivating an international scientific and technological cooperation base, a foreign academician workstation, and a key academician cooperation unit. The achievement won the third prize of the Provincial Science and Technology Progress Award. Successfully held the "Hebei Provincial Innovation and Entrepreneurship Competition Rural Revitalization Professional Competition Finals" and "The Fourth Hebei International Work Design Week Dingzhou Branch" activities.

(14)In response to the problem of "the lack of large projects with high technology content in investment promotion". First, issued "Several Measures for Strengthening Investment Promotion and Promoting High-quality Development" and "About Deepening the Implementation of Opening-up to Drive Several measures to speed up the strategy to improve the level of opening to the outside world” and other documents, all departments at all levels actively carry out investment promotion in the industrial chain, and introduce a number of high-tech projects with broad market prospects and good growth prospects for in-depth cooperation with enterprises in our city. At present, 124 industry-university-research scientific and technological cooperation projects are planned to be implemented. Second, the implementation of investment promotion, nanotechnology industrial park, hydrogen energy industrial park, nano-bionic coating project and other high-tech industrial parks closely focuses on undertaking Beijing-Tianjin industrial transfer and the "Belt and Road" initiative. Speeding up the progress, Dingzhou International Land Port will send the first freight train to Southeast Asia and Vietnam on December 30, 2021. The first phase of Northern Kitchenware City is basically completed, with more than 57 enterprises settled in, and the main body of the second phase of the workshop has been completed and is in progress Investment promotion. The third is to hold the first Dingzhou People Returning Hometown Entrepreneurship Development Conference, and actively play the positive role of Dingzhou villagers and foreign chambers of commerce in attracting investment, allowing them to build a bridge for the construction of their hometown, creating a platform for attracting investment and industry. The fourth is to issue the "Incentive Measures for Socialized Investment Promotion (Trial)" and "Administrative Measures for Overseas Investment Promotion of Dingzhou City (Trial)", and dispatch professional investment promotion teams in Beijing, Tianjin, Shanghai and other places to introduce more major projects, A good project is settled.

(15)In response to the problem of “promoting the pilot work of rural homestead reform is not in place”. First, strengthen organizational leadership. Establish a pilot work on the reform of the municipal rural homestead system headed by the secretary of the municipal party committee and the mayor. The leading group, adjusted and enriched the homestead reform team, established a target responsibility system, made one special class for one task, listed out a list of pilot tasks for homestead reform, implemented list-based management, reversed the construction period, and fought on wall charts to ensure the full completion of the reform task. It is to strengthen responsibility transmission. Implement targeted and list-based management, implement the division of responsibilities, and strictly follow the pilot progress and monthly plan requirements to ensure the successful completion of various tasks. At the same time, strengthen housing reform policies and business knowledge training, and cooperate with third parties in various townships Organized 35 training sessions and conducted face-to-face training for more than 5,000 investigators and town and village cadres in the city, which ensured the positive and steady progress of the pilot work. The third is to strengthen in-depth exploration. On the basis of summarizing the experience of the previous round of reforms, the Special systems such as Interim Measures for Qualification Rights of Rural Homesteads (Trial), Interim Measures for Rural Homestead Circulation (Trial), and Administrative Measures for the Distribution and Approval of Rural Homesteads (Trial).

(16)In response to the problem of "low-level construction standards for new urbanization". First, in accordance with the province's urbanization process, scientifically and rationally determine the urban positioning and industrial development layout in the national land and space planning, "14th During the Five-Year Plan period, implement the land and space optimization strategy of "concentrated agglomeration, integration of industries and cities, humanistic development of the city, and green urbanization", strengthen the construction of the land and space planning system, and build the overall pattern of land and space of "one heart, three corridors and six clusters". Coordinate the promotion of the expansion and quality improvement of the main urban area, strengthen the integration of industries and cities, and build the "four major sectors" of the new industrial zone in the west, the high-tech highland in the east, the ecological new city in the north, and the charming cultural ancient city, and further make the work solid and in place. "Implementation Plan for Raising the Urbanization Rate of the Permanent Resident Population in Our City", held a seminar on the urbanization rate, promoted zoning adjustment, included relevant villages in urban villages, and further improved the city's urbanization rate. Fourth, in the preparation of land and space planning, The relevant townships will be included in the urban development boundary of the central urban area. At present, we are actively communicating with the Provincial Civil Affairs Department and Baoding Civil Affairs Bureau to improve the relevant procedures for removing townships and establishing towns. Fifth, comprehensively deepen the reform of the household registration system, and thoroughly implement the "On Further Deepening the Reform of the Household Registration System" "The Implementation Rules" and "Notice on Further Strengthening and Improving Household Registration Management Work to Solve the Current Prominent Household Registration Problems" to guide population migration to cities in an orderly manner and improve the urbanization of agricultural migrants.

(五)The last inspection feedback question handed over by the inspection team of the provincial party committee is advancing the rectification and improvement of the list of items


10。 On the issue of "chaotic supervision of the real estate market". The first is to strengthen the supervision and management of real estate development enterprise qualifications and intermediary agencies, strengthen daily inspections and "double random, one public" verification, issue rectification notices to enterprises that find problems, and urge them to complete rectification within a time limit. The joint system issued a notice on the "Special Action Plan for Continuously Rectifying and Regulating the Order of the Real Estate Market". The main goal is that through 3 years of rectification, the order of the real estate market will be significantly improved, the regulatory system will be continuously improved, the regulatory measures will be effectively implemented, and the regulatory credit system will be basically Established, the work pattern of co-management by departments has gradually formed, new violations of laws and regulations have been effectively curbed, and the number of petitions and complaints from the masses has dropped significantly. The second is to continue to standardize the sales site, post "Purchase Risk Reminders" in conspicuous places, mark the "banned sale" signs on sandpan buildings that do not meet the sales conditions, and conduct legal publicity for the staff of the sales department and house buyers to improve the awareness of house purchase risks. .

三、Next steps and measures

At present, the results of the rectification work are still in stages. In the next step, we will thoroughly implement Xi Jinping Thought on Socialism with Chinese Characteristics for a New Era, the spirit of the Sixth Plenary Session of the 19th Central Committee of the Communist Party of China, and the spirit of the 10th Provincial Party Congress. The rectification of the feedback from the inspection team of the commission has become an important opportunity, insisting that the political attitude will not change, the rectification standards will not be lowered, and the measures will not be reduced.

(一)Continue to intensify efforts to rectify the uncorrected items in place. We will focus on the problems that have not been rectified and the weak links in our work, and continue to translate the feedback and suggestions from the inspections of the provincial party committee into practical actions. The action has been transformed into the unremitting driving force to accelerate the construction of a strong modern economy and a beautiful Dingzhou, while consolidating the problems that have been rectified and establishing a long-term mechanism to ensure that all problems are rectified on time.

(二)Continue to deepen the implementation of rectification work. Adhere to both the symptoms and root causes, continue to strengthen political responsibility, seize the problem and do not relax, consolidate responsibility at every level, implement rectification at every level, achieve comprehensive reform, deepen reform, and rectify It is necessary to rectify in place, and the reform must be thoroughly reformed. The completed rectification tasks must be further refined, inspected, consolidated, and improved again; insist on gradually solving and persisting for a long time, according to the established plan and rectification measures. Strengthen supervision and evaluation and follow-up to ensure that the rectification tasks are fully completed.

(三)Further improve and improve the long-term mechanism. For problems found in the rectification process, learn from experience and lessons, adhere to inferences from one case, see the big from the small, find common problems from individual problems, and further make up for the lack of the system, Plug the loopholes in the system, tighten the cage of the system, and strive to form a system that manages the fundamentals and the long-term. Focusing on key areas and key links that are prone to frequent problems, further strengthen supervision and management, and use strict systems, strict implementation, and strict supervision. , to prevent the recurrence of similar problems and rebound.

(四)Promote comprehensive and strict governance of the party in depth. Resolutely implement the requirements of the central government to exercise strict governance of the party in an all-round way, and carry out in-depth correction of the "four styles" and special rectification of work style and discipline, so as to act more consciously and forcefully We will continue to push forward the construction of party style and clean government and anti-corruption work, inject a strong impetus into the high-quality development of Dingzhou, and provide a strong guarantee. Further strengthen the supervision responsibility of the Municipal Commission for Discipline Inspection, focus on the main business, and strengthen supervision and discipline Accountability, strictly implement the spirit of the eight central regulations and their detailed implementation rules, continue to be upright and disciplined, resolutely eliminate formalism and bureaucracy, and effectively solve outstanding problems that the people have strongly expressed.

(五)Unswervingly promote high-quality development. Completely, accurately and comprehensively implement the new development concept, with the activities of "three coordination, three expansion and four creation" as the overall plan, and thoroughly implement the decisions and arrangements of the Party Central Committee, The work requirements of the Provincial Party Committee, centering on the Provincial Party Committee's goal of accelerating the construction of "six modern Hebei" and the "three good" requirements for Dingzhou, solidly promote the "1368" development layout, further accelerate investment promotion and project construction, and speed up Build a modern industrial system, accelerate the construction of new urbanization, accelerate the construction of rural revitalization demonstration areas, accelerate the reform of rural homesteads, manage people's livelihood with heart and soul, and strive to create a new situation in the construction of a modern economy and a strong city and a beautiful Dingzhou.

欢迎广大干部群众监督检查整改落实情况。如果您有任何建议,请及时向我们反映。 Contact information: Telephone -2313871 (working hours);邮政信箱Box: Letters and Visits Office of the CPC Dingzhou Commission for Discipline Inspection; Postal Code: 073000; E-mail: dzsjjwjb@.

Dingzhou Municipal Committee of the Communist Party of China

电竞菠菜外围app2022 年 8 月 16 日
